Thursday, October 9, 2008

WWGBD: What would George Bailey Do?

Here's how George Bailey would handle the current credit crisis. For your viewing pleasure, the bank run from It's a Wonderful Life ...

The Bedford Falls Bank represents Wall Street. They've made bad investment and now they're panicking. The Bailey Bros. Building and Loan represents all the innocent and honest businesses that are being hurt by this crisis. Old Man Potter is like Paulson/Bush/Congress--ready to take over and buy out the little people at 50 cents on the dollar. The nervous townspeople are us. We never learn, do we? Potter is taking the long view. When the panic blows over, he'll hold all the cards, and everyone else will be much poorer.

And George Bailey represents ... well, I guess people like him only exist in the movies.

Need health insurance? Just buy some already!

Here's an interesting take on the uninsured from Reason's Nick Gillespie:

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Jean's New Computer

We ordered a new computer for Jean, and decided to get her a MacBook. Helping a new user tackle Windows Vista just seemed like a bad idea. I'm just about ready to give up on Windows--even Betty is getting used to Linux Ubuntu. This article on FARK is a perfect example of the total awesomeness Mac.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

SRMC Symposium

Spent Thursday afternoon at the Death Star--err--SRMC. Actually it was very good. I was a guest commentator at the SRMC Family Medicine Residency Scientific Symposium. It was like American Idol, just without the bad singing.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

SCAFP Legislative Dinner

Had dinner in Columbia at Terra's with the 3M Committee of the House of Representative.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

AAFP Annual Leadership Forum

Spent Thursday through Saturday at the Annual Leadership Forum in Kansas City, MO. Lots of talk about PCMH--Patient Centered Medical Home. 

Friday, April 25, 2008


Betty and Kristen are at the Roberts-Watts Women's Retreat in Pigeon Forge, TN. I'm setting up a blog for them.